
Join us in taking action and spreading awareness about the movement to end live animal exports. 

Upcoming Events

Discover the impactful ways you can join Stop Live Exports in their mission to create a kinder future. From vibrant market stalls to powerful rallies and community flyer drops, our upcoming events are your chance to take action and make a difference. Whether you visit us, spread the word about our work, or lend a hand as a volunteer, your support strengthens the movement and drives real progress toward ending live exports.

Past Events

Federal Cabinet Meeting Perth Rally

When Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Ministers came to Perth for their Federal Cabinet meeting, we were there to remind them that the majority of Australians want live export to end – sooner rather than later! As part of our campaign we had brand new signage...

Fremantle rally for the Bahijah tragedy

In light of the horrific Bahijah tragedy, we recently held a rally at Fremantle Port to campaign against the animals being re-exported for another cruel 33 day journey at sea. Thank you to the hundreds of caring people who braved peak hour traffic to cross the city at...